If you want a great business book, don’t miss: “WIN The Strategy Execution” by Lars H. Nielsen. Hands on, practical essential if you want your strategy to really happen!
Dominique TURPIN
Emeritus Professor of Marketing Strategy
(IMD Switzerland & Singapore)

Alignment i ledelsen
Strategier og teknologier gør det ikke alene … det kræver ledere med et Winning Mindset™
Alignment handler om sammenhængskraft og teamets manøvredygtighed og beslutningskraft, når vinden vender. Om at forkorte tiden, fra at strategien ligger klar, til den eksekveres med succes.
Denne bog handler om, hvordan du som leder sammen med din ledergruppe eller dit team kan arbejde målrettet med at skabe alignment og eksekveringskraft i jeres organisation.
Udfordringen er at sikre, at teamet på tværs af funktions- og ansvarsområder præsterer det allerbedste, når det er allervigtigst, og derved optimerer konkurrenceevnen.
Det starter med dig som leder – og især med jer som ledelse.
"With novel insights and valuable experience this book elegantly demonstrates how successful strategies must focus on people"
Professor Marcus M. Larsen
Copenhagen Business School
Department of Strategy and Innovation
“Lars does a great service in lifting the curtain on the journeys to goal accomplishment. “Winning Through Alignment in Leadership” is a short, easy and enjoyable read – worth any executive’s time. By framing the central issue as one of alignment we have a fresh lens to look at change process.”
Professor Séan Meehan
IMD Business School, Lausanne, CH
“Lars is great in simplifying non-trivial concepts and make the reader of his books comfortable. His direct real life experience in challenging and competitive environment is the plus of these books. I would recommend to read them to those that would like to gain discipline in learning how to win and how to understand the foundation of successful leadership.”
Associate Professor Francesco Di Lorenzo
Copenhagen Business School
“Lars H. Nielsen has - once again - written a relevant, hands on and operational reflection on strategic leadership. I am handed important insights from group dynamics, strategic alignment, leadership to practical issues. Take your time to read ‘Winning through Alignment in Leadership’.”
Mikkel Berg
CEO, Valuecreation
(former VP Marketing PANDORA)
“Lars H. Nielsen have once again produced a straight-to-the point and very inspiring leadership manual – read ‘Winning through Alignment in Leadership’.”
Kim Balle
Group Chief Financial Officer, TORM
“’Winning Though Alignment in Leadership’ is a true inspiration and a hands-on guide to all leaders who seek advice on how to succeed with a change process. A delight to read!”
Lene Krogh
Deputy Secretary General, Danish Red Cross
Resultater kan ikke planlægges – præstationer kan
I bogen deler jeg ud af mine erfaringer, filosofier og arbejdsmetoder fra mit mangeårige arbejde som team-coach i dansk og internationalt erhvervsliv.
Markedernes mekanismer ændres i disse år dramatisk fra den ene dag til den anden, og konkurrencen bliver til stadighed hårdere og hårdere.
Når ambitionerne er tårnhøje, gælder det for organisationen om at være i stand til at præstere, når det gælder, og samtidig sikre at energien og kræfterne holder til toppræstationer igen og igen over mange år.
Bogen er for den ambitiøse teamplayer, leder som medarbejder, der her kan inspireres til at skabe de bedste resultater. Her kommer læseren tæt på problemstillinger i Jyske Bank, Danfoss, Pandora og ATP, så man ved selvsyn kan se, hvordan de har taklet deres udfordringer.
“’Winner Culture’ is an important read for high performers as they face unrelenting uncertainty.
– Read it.”
Professor Séan Meehan
IMD Business School, Lausanne, CH
“The book ‘Winner Culture’ sparks off a debate which could turn the current culture of control and in-fighting into the Winner Culture of the future.”
Professor Tore Kristensen
Copenhagen Business School
“Think as a winner, take responsibility – then you will be one. A winner culture can be created. In his book Lars H. Nielsen explains how.”
Mads Rasmussen,
Olympic Champion, Rowing
“Lars is great in simplifying non-trivial concepts, and make the reader of his books comfortable. His direct real life experience in challenging and competitive environment is the plus of these books. I would recommend to read them to those that would like to gain discipline in learning how to win and how to understand the foundation of successful leadership.”
Associate Professor Francesco Di Lorenzo
Copenhagen Business School
”Bogen ’Winner Culture’ er obligatorisk for enhver leder, der ønsker at gøre en forskel.”
Peter Müller
Country Manager, BAYER CropScience, Tyskland
“Lars makes it extremely simple and practically applicable across a wide range of businesses and situations: Make sure you agree on the exact consequences of the strategy for each member on your team and make sure you can explain why and how the strategy works to every employee and every stakeholder of your firm.”
Torbjørn Sindballe
Hawaiian Triathlon Medalist
Talent Development Leader, Deloitte